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  1. Join Date
    Jun 2006

    An article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer records some Philippine urban legends: the "White Lady" of Balete Drive, Robina Gokongwei's "snake twin" lurking in department store dressing rooms, the elusive "kapre" that lives in an ancient mango tree near the Emilio Aguinaldo house in Kawit town, and Andres Bonifacio's love child from a place aptly named Libog (now Santo Domingo) in Albay province. None of those mean much to me. But most of the article is devoted to discussing two other Philippine legends that are of more general interest. The first one is that Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, "was the father of Adolf Hitler, the result of an indiscretion with a prostitute in Vienna." The second one is that Jose Rizal was also Jack the Ripper:

    Rizal was in London from May 1888 to January 1889, in the British Library copying "Sucesos de las islas Filipinas" by hand because there were no photocopying machines at the time. Jack the Ripper was active around this time, and since we do not know what Rizal did at night or on the days he was not
    in the library, some people would like to believe Rizal is suspect. They argue that when Rizal left London, the Ripper murders stopped. They say that Jack the Ripper must have had some medical training, based on the way his victims were mutilated. Rizal, of course, was a doctor. Jack the Ripper liked women, and so did our own Rizal. And -- this is so obvious that many overlooked it -- Jose Rizal's initials match those of Jack the Ripper!

    If Jack the Ripper did turn out to be Filipino, that would throw a wrench in his status as the Most Evil Brit of all time.


    Does anyone else know that this case has not been solved? UNSOLVED! Everything is a speculation at this point. We cannot interrogate the suspects to find the "truth."'s some investigative work done by AmateurSleuth of the casebook forum(

    - In 1888, he was staying with the Beckett family at 37 Chalcot Crescent in Camden
    - He was a doctor(opthalmologist)
    - He was good with weapons(was called "the swordsman")
    - He was a Malay
    - He was proficient in the martial arts
    - He would have been 27 at the time of the Ripper killings
    - He also took up fencing and was quite good
    - He was short, had dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes
    - He came from a well to do family, was well dressed and looked respectable
    - He came to London on May 24, 1888 on the ship City Of Rome
    - He left London in January of 1889, and the Ripper killings stopped
    - He was multi-talented(could speak many languages, was a writer, poet, author, sculptor, artist)
    - He was executed in the Philippines on December 30, 1896 at the age of 35
    - Had a romantic relationship with Gertrude Beckett - the daughter of Charles Beckett
    - He wrote letters to his friend Blumentritt from London, however there were no letters written to his family or friends from July 1888 - November 14, 1888
    - He was working at the British Library at the time
    - After he died, his mother tried to procure his assets which consisted of some pretty nice jewelery including gold cuff links and other baubles of diamonds and amethysts(gold chain with a red stone seal?)

    upon further investigation...this information was found...similarities noting the f's

    she also found this...

    Rizal and his diary:

    January 1986, St. Pancras, London

    While up in the attic putting away boxes of Christmas ornaments,
    the present-day owners of #37 Chalcot Crescent stumble across
    a dusty old trunk, which (once the lock is pried open) reveals
    some /very interesting/ items once belonging to Dr. Jose Rizal.
    In particular, a diary wherein he confesses to the Whitechapel
    murders; and a glass jar with half a human kidney preserved in

    Unlike the embarassing "Hitler Diaries" hoax a few years before,
    /this/ seems to be genuine. The ink, paper, etc. are from 1888.
    The handwriting matches Dr. Rizal's. And (thanks to a surviving
    great-granddaughter) a new DNA test makes it almost certain that
    the kidney was taken from Catherine Eddowes.

    how interesting.


    Ang galing ng imagination ng ibang tao

  2. Join Date
    Aug 2005
    if jack the chickboy maniwala pa sana ako.

  3. Join Date
    Mar 2005
    maniniwala ako kung may serial killings din sa Philippines saka sa Japan and germany

  4. Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Eto ang matindi

    The national hero of the Philippines, "was the father of Adolf Hitler, the result of an indiscretion with a prostitute in Vienna

  5. Join Date
    May 2006
    Naka e di hindi pure aryan master race si Adolf, mas matindi pa pala si Adolf, may dugong noypi..

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2006
    si Jose Rizal si Jack the Ripper???

    ...rrrright! at si Supremo Gat Andres Bonifacio si Mr. Hyde

  7. Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ok,what will they think of next, Rizal is an extraterrestial o baka naman taga Atlantis na si Rizal.

  8. Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Di sya pwede maging taga Atlantis, he's too short

    Baka sya si Jack the Ripper (of women's clothes) hehehe hanep mangchics lalo na ung Josephine Bracken

  9. Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jonski View Post
    Eto ang matindi

    The national hero of the Philippines, "was the father of Adolf Hitler, the result of an indiscretion with a prostitute in Vienna
    i heard this too and this piece of bs definitely takes the cake. when i heard this, i actually didn't know whether to laugh or cry

  10. Join Date
    Nov 2002
    hmm fact or fiction, it lacks solid evidences and details perataining to the involvement of JR to J the R, also it just mention that rizal made out with a whore in vienna but it has no proof that this thoughts really exist.

    my verdict, its just a hearsay until further investigation and clear and definitive proof are presented.

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Jose Rizal was Jack the Ripper