> This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the boycott campaign
> and rallies against gas companies lately.
> The oil companies just laughed at that because
> they knew we couldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves
> by refusing to buy gas. It was more of an
> inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.
> BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up
> with a plan that can really work.
> Please read on and join us!
> Currently, unleaded gasoline is over P33.00 and it
> is still going up (sometimes unnoticed). Despite the
> fact that a barrel of oil has gone down to US$62
> from US$70 (when Superstorm Katrina hit New Orleans
> ), gasoline prices are still going up instead of a
> downward trend.
> Worst, the big oil players such as Caltex, Shell
> and Petron claim that they are still losing money.
> It is time we need to take aggressive action to
> teach them that BUYERS control the
> marketplace....not sellers. The only way we are
> going to see the price of gas go down is if we hit
> them back by not purchasing their gas!
> And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. How?
> Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop
> buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices
> if we all act together to force a price war.
> Here's the idea:
> For the rest of this year, DON"T purchase ANY
> gasoline from the two biggest foreign oil companies
> such as SHELL and CALTEX .
> For now, let us buy gas only from Petron and/or
> small players such as SeaOil, Total, etc .
> If CALTEX and SHELL are not selling any gas, they
> will be forced to reduce their prices and if they
> reduce their prices, other companies will have no
> choice but to follow suit. Thus, the start of a
> price war. In this way, the buying public wins.
> But to have an impact, we need to reach literally
> millions of Shell and Caltex gas buyers. I am
> sending this note to about thirty people. If you
> send it to at least ten more, e.g., 30 x 10 = 300
> and those 300 send it to at least ten ore, e.g., 300
> x 10 = 3,000 and so on, by the time the message
> reaches the sixth generation of people (and granting
> all will cooperate), we will have reached over THREE
> MILLION car owners!
> Again, all you have to do is just send this to 10
> people and
> DON"T purchase ANY gasoline from Shell and Caltex.
> Remember, the main idea is TO FORCE A PRICE WAR and
> not hurt ourselves or the economy.
> That's all.
> How long would all that take before we can feel
> the effect? If each of us sends this email out to
> ten more people within one day of receipt, all 3
> MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within
> the next 8 days!!! Acting together can make a big
> difference.
> If this makes sense to you, please pass this
> message on.