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  1. Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I got myself one of those airsoft electric guns, double eagle brand for 1000 bucks and I find it quite entertaining. Though I'm not into the hobby deeply (I just fire it randomly at any target I choose, hoping to find a rat to test it out on) I'm getting the itch of getting into the game. My office mates got those Tokyo Marui guns which look and feel like the real deal and they tell me it's addicting. I tried paintball once and I found it fun. My colleagues say it's a million times enjoyable than paintball. They got all these get-ups, uniforms and all : from MarPat uniforms to Delta Force getups that look very cool. I used to shoot M16s, courtesy of our local police guys who had nothing to do in our hometown, as long as I brought bullets for the gun. Sure, it was the real thing but in the back of my mind, it's just target practice and it takes much out of the excitement of "firing" at real people, not that I want to. So it was just a bone numbing routine of trying to hit an aluminum can or a sardine can. Now here comes this Airsoft thing, where you actually "shoot" people who in turn hunt you down too. I've seen welts and bruises the size of the old 1 peso coins after my friends play on a weekend. It's close to the real thing and it actually relives the days of playing shootout with your childhood friends, which was extremely fun.
    I'm still contemplating of buying those high end airsoft rifles. Uniforms or looking the part is no problem, I got a couple of old GI BDU's, combat boots (from my ROTC days)and a Vietnam era GI issue helmet. I think a sizeable budget would be nicked off from you if you decide to plunk into this hobby. In conclusion.....still deciding if I should get into it...totally.

  2. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hi Ibaloi. I'm not into the sport (yet) but I've got two electric airsoft guns: a H&K MP5 and an M4. My MP5 is an ICS and was given to me as a gift. Yung M4, binili ko sa Greenhills. I use the MP5 to plink at my backyard or to stun birds that try to ruin our plants. I intended the M4 to be "just for show" but I got to thinking: what if somebody thinks it's a real gun and fires at me using a real gun? So, the "just for show" airsoft rifle is just sitting inside it's box now gathering dust.

    I know of some people who are into this sport and they say it is like the real thing. Like what you said on your post, they have the all the get-ups and gear. They even have airsoft sidearms and end even some have rubber/plastic bayonets just for "feel".

    However, I don't see myself going into the sport anytime soon.

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    [SIZE=2] i know some of my friends are into airsoft...

    you might want to check out

  4. Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It's nice to know that we aren't "into" it yet but sometimes, the scary part is that we usually get sucked into it until we find ourselves deeply involved in the game or hobby. I guess it is also true for other hobbies or sports out there. Then suddenly we are talking about upgrades and all. Just checked out the site...interesting. I guess, I'll be spending my last office hours sitting and reading all the posts there. Thanks for the URL!
    I think those realistic guns look good mounted on a wall though, aside from "shooting" other airsoft gamers out there. I just wonder if it would scare the beejezus out of other airsoft afficionados if someone, in the heat of a serious "battle" someone would just scream out an order that might sound like this: " Company! FIX BAYONETS!" to be followed by a loud whistle and the final order of: "OVER THE TOP!!!".

  5. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    the scary part is that we usually get sucked into it until we find ourselves deeply involved in the game or hobby
    That's why I don't want to engage into the sport yet. If I get serious into something, I always see to it that I continue with it or finish it. Knowing my penchant for rifles, I just know that if I take this hobby seriously, it would evolve into a serious activity that would take time from my already busy professional and family schedule. While I know I could do it on weekends, weekends are precious for me (family time you see).

    Maybe when things get settled down a bit on my part, I'd try "tour of duty" as my airsoft affictionado friends call what they do.

  6. Join Date
    Mar 2005
    try real pistols and join ipsc matches. sarap talaga! mahal lang

  7. Join Date
    Mar 2005
    It's close to the real thing and it actually relives the days of playing shootout with your childhood friends, which was extremely fun.
    paintball/airsoft is not even close to the real deal. nun medyo bata-bata pa ako, kala ko pag nakalaro ako nito, parang training ko na din sa real thing if ever man mangyari sakin. pero I overlooked one factor, gunpowder.

    I witnessed a 5-minute gun battle between police and carnappers, puro usok. parang kang pumasok sa isang smoke belching cordon ng bus. ewan ko kung pano sila (pulis & carnappers) nakakakita ng target, pero after the smoke cleared, patay lahat ng carnappers.

  8. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    visit mo forum namin

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm not really into airsoft as a hobby, I just have a gas blowback Glock19 that I use to supplement live weapons training. There are some things that you can do with an airsoft gun that you aren't allowed to do on a live firing range. These include shooting in a 360-degree arc, shooting from retention position (with the pistol very close to your body), and shooting from various awkward positions. While airsoft cannot completely replace training with real guns since it does not produce the smoke, noise and recoil of the real thing, there is still a place for it in one's training regimen.

    Plus, airsoft is a great tool for teaching basic gun safety and proper shooting techniques to kids. My youngsters had a terrific time yesterday shooting aluminum cans in our backyard, and they're getting good at it too

  10. Join Date
    Jul 2004
    used to be in airsoft. real hardcore group with games every weekend

    i was the only one in the team to use a spring loaded sniper 25 round sniper rifle. for backup, i use a gas powered glock 19 auto. let me tell you that the complexion of the game changes when a sniper is around, har har har

    i retired already but its real fun especially when we do our skirmishes on the hills (translation: lots of vegetation and terrain) and do some scenario. the best we did was a "black hawk down" scenario

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Airsoft Anyone Into It Here?