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  1. Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Polish Immigrant Robert Dziekanski Dies After Vancouver Taser Incident

    VANCOUVER – Howls of pain are the last the world hears of a newly arrived immigrant in dramatic video released Wednesday.

    The images are so explosive Robert Dziekanski's mother, who hasn't seen the whole video, has been driven into seclusion to avoid seeing it repeated on newscasts, her lawyer told The Canadian Press.

    But they also raise serious questions about why the police resorted to using the Taser only seconds after encountering the non-violent man last month at the Vancouver airport, and it contradicts what police said happened that night.

  2. Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Ouch. Don't tase me, bro!

  3. Join Date
    Jan 2007
    From CBC news, hindi naman daw peaceful yung tao. Nag-amok pala kaya tinaser sya.

  4. Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Not sure about the RCMP but a lot of police in the US have to be tasered to carry tasers themselves. When I thought non-deadly force we had to be sprayed twice by pepper spray to be instructors and once to be able to carry on the field. Some people actually have no reaction to the spray and we found that it was mostly people who had Eastern European roots. There was talk about carrying taser so it was decided to use it on instructors to get an idea what it would be like. Needless to say I myself got tasered and it wasn't what I expected but it does make your heart race afterwards. Officers carry batons, pepper spray, and tasers as an alternative to using deadly force(gun) but it is not a guarantee that people will not die from it's use.

    But why is this in the goon squad section?

  5. Join Date
    Apr 2007
    why was he tossing things around,there must be a reason that he was so
    the police should also be careful in using these tazers,these things can generate enough electrical current to kill a person,more dangerously, if they are aimed at a person with heart problems,these things can be lethal as guns,if not used properly.

  6. Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I saw this comment which I thought was really stupid:

    apolonski (2 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam


    wow, this is unbelievable, this man was helpless and they tazard him when he wasn't even doing anything. Wow i hope those police officers die and burn in hell those ****ing sons of bitches. How can you possibly do that, he was already on the ground, and the guy just beat him to death with his stick. I hope they lose their jobs and their lives. Thats all i have to say.


    This poor, deluded sicko hates cops so much, he actually mistook the officer resheathing his baton for engaging in... um... caning. :bwahaha:

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    He was mad because he has been looking for his mom for 10 hours. He speaks very poor english and no french. Apparently, no one helped him out.

    The guy comes from a not so well off family. As per the news, I think his mom [in Canada] had to save 8 years to have enough to get his son from Poland.
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  8. Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Yeah and the police killed him. Poor mother and son.

    I mean, how hard is it to go to one of their top universities and scoop out some language experts (like they do here?).

    That's very elementary. Those policemen were practically brainless and way too impatient to even know first what's wrong. They tased him after 24 seconds they arrived.

Canadian Police kills unarmed Polish man with taser.