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  1. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i accidentally rubbed off some of the paint or coating etc. on a plate number(used APC was too aggresive) and it now looks dull and faded.

    is it posible to request a new one? im talking about a replacement(still the same numbers). if so what are the procedures involved?. thanx

  2. Join Date
    May 2005
    Turn in your set of plates to the LTO satellite office, present your CR/OR, and pay the fee.

  3. Join Date
    May 2006
    Why don't you just have it repainted?

    *kala ko kung anong 'pumbers'*


  4. Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i meant numbers btw, a little typo. Repainting plate numbers? is that legal? i think it has a reflectorized coating. i might just do the lto way nalang. thanx

  5. Join Date
    May 2005
    yes, repainting is constituted as a mutilation or vandalism of the plate, as per LTO regulations.

  6. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    FYI: Replacement plates will have a letter 'D' stamped on the plates to indicate that it is a duplicate plate.

  7. Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by boybi View Post
    FYI: Replacement plates will have a letter 'D' stamped on the plates to indicate that it is a duplicate plate.
    LTO only stamps the "D" if the originally issued plates or the current plates being used on the vehicle is not returned to the LTO (in whatever condition) during the application (for duplicate plate) process.

  8. Join Date
    Nov 2007
    how much will it cost?

    and matagal ba?

    and if you surrender the old kind of plate (the white and green one), will they give you the new rizal plates?

    and i noticed that the special plates na rizal plates are darker than the first rizal plates na special... so if i have a special plate na one of the first batches of rizal plates, will it be the darker shade when i have it replaced?

  9. Join Date
    May 2005
    No idea on the cost and waiting time. :D

    Age and condition of your current plate will not matter at all. Unless LTO suddenly changes the design overnight, expect your new plates to be stamped onto the same rizal plate design as when it was first released in 2002-03.

    Special plates or the vanity plates officially issued by LTO (for a special fee) have a different shade (dark greenish) and dark olive font. Only vehicle owners who apply for vanity plates will get this plate design and color.

    The regular rizal plates has a bluish shade (bec. of the sky) with green font and border. Every vehicle registered will get this design, even those with customized alphabet and numbers.

    For-hire vehicles will get the same design but with the sky having a yellowish tint with dark olive font and border. Only for-hire vehicles will get this design.

    Government vehicles get the same rizal design and blue shade but with red border and font.

    The plates issued by LTO have different shades and design (vanity plate series) to differentiate one from the other. LTO will not allow you to chose what plate design or shade you want. They will issue the design and shade that they deem appropriate for your vehicle registration category.

  10. Join Date
    Aug 2003
    And of course it helps if you have contacts within the LTO. It will drastically speed up the whole process.

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Replacement plate numbers possible?