Just sharing a nice write up about PH special forces on Jalopnik. And in spite of the lack of equipment compared to wealthy nations, our special forces' skills and capabilities are top notch.

Philippines' Special Forces Recruitment Video Kicks Ass At Kicking Ass

Philippines' Special Forces Recruitment Video Kicks Ass At Kicking Ass

Tyler Rogoway
8/06/15 2:12pm

I’ve seen a lot of military recruitment and promotional videos, and most of the time they just seem like either over-produced Michael Bay wanna-be junk or slogan rich diatribes that try to pull on a few viewers heart strings. The Philippines Special Forces took another, more straight forward route that really gives a clear picture of what they do and how they do it.

Don’t let these airborne operators lack of high-tech gizmos or the latest and greatest armament fool you. They are combat hardened and elite commandos, trained by and originally based on the U.S. Army Green Berets, that have been fighting everything from hardcore Al Qaeda offshoots to an ongoing bloody communist insurgency for decades.

Because of heightening tensions in the region, especially due to conflicting claims when it comes to the South China Sea, and the spread of a new brand of increasing violent Islamic Extremism, with notorious local terror group Abu Sayyaf recently pledging allegiance to ISIS, their special and irregular warfare capabilities have never been in higher demand.