PBS Nova S35E02 Ghost in your Genes - YouTube

This is mind blowing, genes, DNA, evolution, hereditary, Epigenetics. Its all starting to make sense now.

Genes is like the state of your cells. It determines how your cells behave. Epigenetics is the study on how to manipulate that genes. This is groundbreaking. Some of the study is how to treat disease on a cellular level. On the video they are testing a drug that treats leukemia by manipulating the genes.

Another interesting thing in the video is how our environment, diet, stress levels, etc. affects our genes. And those genes would be inherited not obly by your children but by your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Perhaps this is one way to convince people to take care of their body, like stopping smoking. Because the effects will also inherited by your grandchildren.

I wonder though if they will fund research for a cure for incurable disease that survives on maintenance drugs, like diabetes. Diabetic maintenance drugs is a huge business, pharmaceuticals would be shooting their self on the foot if they fund a research for the cure for a diseases that's keeping them alive.

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