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  1. Join Date
    May 2006

  2. Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Monseratto View Post
    Lahat ata ng countries are already war weary from a not so popular Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, especially the Americans. Should the west help out the Israelis if it gets smacked when they do bomb the ayatollahs? Or are they obligated to do so?
    even if the US doesnt want to get involved it will get dragged into the war

    scenario: Israel bombs Iran's nuclear sites. Iran thinks Israel has US blessing. Iran retaliates by launching missiles at US ships in the gulf. the US retaliates

  3. Join Date
    May 2006
    I think may blessing talaga yan...talagang ayaw ng Us maka develop ng nukes ang iran..baka ibaratilyo nila yan sa mga kaaway ng US o sa mga may galit sa kanila

  4. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Pakistan and N Korea have nukes. Pakistan is even more dangerous in my mind. Kahit US ally kuno, marami silang mga extremist The Talibans are a creation of Pakinstani religious schools and the ISI, the Pakistani Intellegence service.

  5. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by uls View Post
    even if the US doesnt want to get involved it will get dragged into the war

    scenario: Israel bombs Iran's nuclear sites. Iran thinks Israel has US blessing. Iran retaliates by launching missiles at US ships in the gulf. the US retaliates
    Also Nato bases in next door Afghanistan... US Naval bases in Bahrain...Oil Facilities across the gulf region...incitement of the Shiite populations ...possibilities are endless.

  6. Join Date
    May 2006
    Daldal kasi ng daldal ang iran na buburahin nila sa mundo ang israel...ayan sila ngayon ang napag iinitan

  7. Join Date
    May 2006
    a premature strike by israel will be a foolhardy move when western countries who are still reeling from the recent mid-east armed conflict will condemn the one who drew first blood. the us forces may have been out of iraq but are still very present in the gulf region placing them in harm's way. a strike will be too risky considering the multiple underground targets and the distance involved and the collateral damage will be too high for supposedly a countermeasure to prevent hezbollah and hamas from obtaining nuclear weapons. in fact it may even give more reason for both iran and israel to nuke each other to quicken an otherwise long and bloody war- the very threat israel's trying to prevent. like north korea and pakistan, iran's just hedging its hardline anti-usrael policy with its armament. historically, iran is not like iraq so should be approached with caution. it would be wise for european and western nation to work faster and harder and increase sanctions to pressure tehran to comply and while israel should instead develop a smarter, advanced system to defend its borders. we need that system in place in east asia, pronto. that water fight is getting mightily serious.

  8. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    so ... is the world stage ripe for WW3?

  9. Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Helios View Post
    in fact it may even give more reason for both iran and israel to nuke each other to quicken an otherwise long and bloody war.
    How can Iran and Israel nuke each other when Iran still does not have enough enriched uranium to build a bomb.

    Israel has about 300 Nuclear warheads, enough to pretty much destroy Iran.

  10. Join Date
    Feb 2011
    ^ maybe they can take some from nuclear power plants

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