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  1. Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The CBCP strikes again, this time criticizing the most recent McDo "BF-GF" TV ad and calls for it to be pulled off the air. Pari lang daw ang puedeng manligaw sa bata.

    McDonald's has pulled out its ad dubbed by some as the "BF-GF commercial," after the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) called for them to stop airing the ad, reports

    The giant fast food chain decided to pull out the 30-second ad from major television networks yesterday after some Catholic Church officials said it could send the wrong message to children. In the commercial, a little girl asks a boy if she was already his girlfriend. The boy says no, claiming girlfriends are too demanding. However, he seemingly changes his mind when the girl says all she wants is the P25 French fries at McDonald's.

    McDonald's Philippines Vice President for Marketing Margot Torres told Radio Veritas that they have pulled out the ad because they respect the call of Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez. "So by (Wednesday), a different McDonald's ad should be seen on TV," Torres said.

    In response, Iñiguez told Radio Veritas, "We are very happy that McDonald's listened to our plea, (and) that it agrees with the sentiment and the reflection of the church on the commercial spot."

    Earlier, Fr. Melvin Castro said the commercial is "very shallow" and "cheapens human relationships," reports The executive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Family and Life said, "If the ad attempted to teach commitment, (it failed) because it was too superficial to point to a packet of French fries as the basis of a relationship."

    Iñiguez also said earlier, "The two children are not even at the right age for this kind of relationship... It (the ad) might also pave the way for us to lose sight of the good ways of shaping the values of our children."
    Kayo nang maghusga. Controversial and bad for the kids?
    Last edited by JackFlash; April 13th, 2011 at 04:54 PM.

  2. Join Date
    Sep 2005
    OA naman yang CBCP..

  3. Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The commercial's hella cute.

    KJ amputragis.

    After this, what's next ? Imomonitor yung websites na pinupuntahan ng bawat computer ? And kailangan its always related to something " religious " & good lang ?


  4. Join Date
    Sep 2003
    It is worldwide ad campaign not only in the Philippines. Don't these self-appointed guardians of Philippine morals have anything better to do?

    [ame=]#1 McDonalds BF&GF - India ad [/ame]

  5. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It's a friggin' cute ad.

    Only in the eyes of the CBCP do they see evil everywhere!

  6. Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Again, even more meddling.

    Every now and then you always see an article in the newspaper that starts with "Bishop:...", then calls for this and that...

    Each time, my respect for the local church goes down a little....

    I won't be surprised if they'll start sprouting some Talibanic views in the future.

  7. Join Date
    Jul 2008
    kaya ako ayaw ko nang pumunta ng simbahan e, ang daming mga pari na demonyo na nagkalat at nagbabanal-banalan (hindi naman lahat), pero pagdating sa pera tumatahimik sila, panahon ni gloria ang daming katiwalian at immoral pero tahimik lang sila dahil natapalan ng pera, kung hindi ako nagkakamali nabalita yan, parang tig-500k bawat bishop yata yun. ngayon pati mga simpleng ads lang ginagawan na ng issue ng immoral ng simbahan.

  8. Join Date
    May 2010
    Ano ba iyan!! Is CBCP becoming a Government agency?? The MTRCB has the right to do this!

    Holy Week preparation lang iyan

  9. Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hindi papansinin ng MTRCB yan dahil di naman pakana ni willie yan eh.

  10. Join Date
    Nov 2007
    wala nabang magawang maayos ang RCC..
    sila lang naman ang dakdak ng dakdak bat ang ibang Church like INC or others walang sinasabi..

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McDonald's pulls out "BF-GF" TV ad, complies with CBCP call