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  1. Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Parang nasa freezer ang bmw mo bro.

  2. Join Date
    Dec 2005
    wow! nice car....... talagang lamig na lamig sya.

  3. Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Yup... worked in Chicago too for 6 six years! i know the hassles in getting to work at those temps.
    so i was in heaven when i was assigned in florida!
    but then have to go back to Chicago again...
    now i'm enjoying myself while i can here back to my nativeland...

  4. Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jun aka Pekto View Post
    Not to put a damper on things. It's better to dream about a white Christmas than live it.....

    - Shoveling snow on the ground repeatedly is tiresome work.
    - Scraping the ice and hard snow from the vehicles in the biting cold
    - The extra time needed to start the car and warm it up along with the above
    - You're always sick with either the cold, the flu, or God forbid, pneumonia. And if you're not sick with those, someone will give them to you eventually.
    - The slow drive to get anywhere. Rejoice if you have AWD! Don't be too cocky around ice, though. AWD means nothing on ice. When you start sliding, you're sliding, AWD or no AWD.
    - The atrocious heating bills.
    - The (most of the time) long periods of cloudy to overcast skies with no sun can drive some people mad or gloomy, including yours truly.

    Still, I wouldn't mind a white Christmas for one day of the year. So long as it's just that one day. He He.

    Add: A few weeks ago, I was at Aomori, Japan with snow up to my knees. Brrr. Felt like a popsicle. I'm glad to be back here in the warm comfy desert.

    Also, if you have any aches or pains like "rayuma"(?) or gout, in the cold climate, they intensify ten-fold.
    I agree,,mahirap kumilos pag super lamig

  5. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I forgot to add it's a very nice car.

  6. Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Good excuse to hug someone warm though, ain't it? Lalo na of the attractive female variety? hehehe. :diablo:

  7. Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by pup2 View Post
    Good excuse to hug someone warm though, ain't it? Lalo na of the attractive female variety? hehehe. :diablo:
    definitely yes!! hehehehe!! pero baka maging stuck na kayo sa isat isa dahil sa sobrang lamig!! bwahehehehe

    aite, peace.

  8. Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thanks for the compliments guys
    Actually ice is the worst to drive in. I would rather drive in snow any day. Either way though, snow or ice dapat i-shovel mo agad otherwise pag tumigas it's a pita to remove

  9. Join Date
    May 2004
    Grabe Lamig Dyan! Sarap mag-Ginebra Gin Blue, pure lang walang halo dapat para ramdam mo yung init.

  10. Join Date
    Feb 2005
    grabe ang lamig ngayun diyan, due to global warming

    then come summer, super init naman.....


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