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  1. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    one mb with solid caps w/ no slits got c1 and 0e errors and wouldn't boot so i got the reserve economy board with non-solid caps. diff top of the line rams installed and still c1 error. peeked inside and saw bloated caps. recapped and running smoothly now.

    problem is, the board w/ solid caps doesn't show signs of cap degradation. i did see some web-like streaks on the cans.

    the boards were bought same year 2008 w/ substituting duty when the other gets problematic. i wouldn't think twice getting econo boards of known brands now.

    i know! 2013 and still the bad caps problem

  2. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    thanks for sharing!

  3. Join Date
    Jun 2012
    What is a solid capacitor?

  4. Join Date
    Oct 2011
    are you referring to the capacitors in the motherboard or video card perhaps TS?

  5. Join Date
    Aug 2010
    He's talking about mobo hence the "one mb"

    c1 and 0e errors are probably BSOD's error codes (ex. 0x00001)

    c1 isn't a mobo error. It's a tied to your memory (RAM) and looking that you quoted you're using different TOTL memory modules, I'll look into that.

    Buying TOTL RAMs are a bit useless from a performance perspective. I always suggest sticking to just the usual generic ones. Going to 1900mhz from 1333mhz isn't such a huge leap in terms of overall performance and you pay top-dollar resulting in poor price-performance. You're better off going solid-state on the SSD for better overall response feel.

    Solid polymer capacitors are over-rated. Sure they last longer but chances are you'll be replacing your computer as an upgrade before electrolytic caps bloat. If looking to replace them, pay attention to voltage.. then their filter capacitance.

    I highly suggest people to actually help and clarify rather than to spam and raise your post counts. You know who you are.

  6. Join Date
    Jan 2009
    They are not really overrated. If you change mobos on a 2-3-year refresh, you'll probably be fine with traditional caps. For most, however, non-gaming desktops could last 5-8 years. My quad-core Q9550 paired with a Gigabyte something-UD3R ('ultra durable' = solid caps) from 2008 is still working without fail. This was my gaming rig-turned video editing workstation.

    I also have an Asrock mobo (solid caps) with quad-core Athlon II X4 630 as my media server running 24x7 for close to three years, also without issue. Prior to this, I was using P4 procs with Intel mobos as servers. They didn't last more than 18 months when run 24x7.

  7. Join Date
    Oct 2008
    bought it to be able to under or over clock at whim. bought a lot of high end stuff for stability in the bad conditions and at the time the price was way cheaper than in the Philippines. it helped. i may put the blame on the ram last and my guess was right to check the board.

    even bought a water cooling kit, forgot the brand. never got to it, too many things on my plate. now the whole system is obsolete and still running albeit the current snag. no matter, the recapped board is running smoothly.

    thanks. the first sentence of the orig. post is enough to tell. even my radeon x8xx doesn't have a display for c1 errors.

    this is just a heads up. it all started with usb input devices cutting in and out. then a few months later there's buzzing through the built in soundcard, then a month after, the soundcard utility keeps detecting a device plugged in the speaker out even if the plug is in place, before it conked out. dunno which high end gigabyte i've read about that had the same symptoms but the solution was a firmware upgrade.

    usually my stuff last a long, long time. no throwaways, i just make things work.

    oj, i've read about your enviable nas in a few sites. planned for it but never made one yet. necessity will make me.

solid capacitors, electrolytic caps, same thing