regarding top coats:

what are the pro's and con's of using a different top coat from the base coat? i just found out that the cost of a full dupont paint (materials only - from primer to top coat) rounds out to about 21K. a full anzhal paint (materials only - from primer to top coat) is about 9K. malaki ang pagkakaiba. however, the paint guy i spoke to told me that the dupont top coat is about 30% shinier than the anzhal top coat. now what some shops do is use anzhal for the primer and base coat and then use dupont for the top coat (para makatipid sa cost). is there anything wrong with this setup?

btw, in case someone posts, yes, it is the buffing that will ultimately bring out the shininess of the car's paint. however, all else being equal (both top coats buffed the same way), the dupont top coat will give a better luster or shine.

thanks in advance for your replies