Judge Florentino Floro - eElven Supremacy 2010: 27 years Dalliance; LUIS, Armand & Angel; the Violet Lights

The Greatest Story of Friendship Ever Told, eBook Part One

2 years and a quarter of a century ago, LUIS, Armand and Angel changed my life and wrote my destiny (at exactly 7 p.m., June 2, 1983, at the wake of my father, Florentino, Sr.).

Even if today’s scientists began to investigate aliens and the matter of how something can be made to travel faster than the speed of light, hoping that man can time travel, still, the Violet lights of LUIS remains a mystery and I predict that this pure light would be solely his and mine.

The entire universe perforce is summed up into pure light, when mass, energy and all things including discovered quantum would remain a thing of the past, for they miserably fail to be at eternity or state, where there is no more constriction of time and space.

In this 2010 eBook, I write for you and to the world, the greatest pre-destined story of friendship ever.

I am sharing with you and to the whole world, as I hereby publish online my 614 pages eSecond Book - "Philippine Mystic Dwarfs LUIS, Armand and Angel Meet Healing and Psychic Judge Florentino Floro" Part I, 2010 edition.

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Judge Florentino Floro's December 2006 First Book, 362/404 pages, published PDF "World Famous Mystic: Armand,Luis & Angel, The Three Dwarfs MEET The Judge --- Psychic & Healing Martyr of Filipino Justice"



Download - Judge Florentino Floro's December 2006 First Book , 404 pages, published PDF, Skydrive


Download Judge Floro's 1st Book, 2006, 362 pages Word, Skydrive