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  1. Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Interesting news, ano say nyo peeps?

  2. Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If the reports are true, then Babao should be considered a terrorist.

  3. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Palace: No apology needed for Babao

    Malacañan on Friday said no apology was due for Julius Babao after the Intelligence Service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (ISAFP) linked him to the payment of bail for suspected terrorist Tyrone Dawud Santos.

    "I don't think there is anything to apologize about. Wala namang sinabi...hindi naman ina-assert talaga ng military (There was no mention...the military did not assert it)," Ermita said in a voice clip aired over TV Patrol World Friday evening.

    He added: "The people in ISAFP were truthful enough to say that these are intelligence reports and they have not actually charged him (Babao) of having violated anything."

    The Palace statement came after the ISAFP said that there was no direct link between Babao and the bail money for Santos.

    The ISAFP, however, said it will not issue a public apology to ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. for maligning the reputation of Babao.

    A report by DZMM's David Oro quoted AFP Deputy Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence Rear Admiral Tirso Danga saying that there was no reason for the ISAFP to apologize to Babao or the network.

    "Hindi siguro nararapat na gawin namin 'yan (public apology) dahil sa ginagampanan lang namin ang aming trabaho. (It's not appropriate for us to do that because we were only doing our job)," Danga said in a television interview Thursday night.

    AFP spokesman Brig. Gen. Angel Honrado added that there is no need for ISAFP to apologize to Babao, saying the intelligence agency did not categorically state that the broadcast journalist provided bail for Santos.

    "I'm not so sure if an apology is forthcoming or in order because the AFP did not specifically say that the bail came from Mr. Babao," Honrado said.

    A Philippine Daily Inquirer report earlier quoted President Arroyo saying that she was concerned about an ISAFP report linking Babao to Santos' release last April.

    'Only as an observer'

    Santos was arrested on March 22 in Cubao, Quezon City, for alleged involvement in the plan of the Abu Sayyaf, Jema'ah Islamiyah and the Rajah Solaiman Movement to bomb parts of Metro Manila during the Lenten break.

    He was released from the military intelligence stockade in Camp Aguinaldo in April after posting a P200,000 bail for illegal possession of firearms.

    Mrs. Arroyo made the disclosure about Babao to Inquirer columnist Ramon Tulfo over lunch in Malacañan on October 26.

    ABS-CBN immediately issued a statement to deny the report. It said:

    "ABS-CBN categorically denies that our reporter, Julius Babao, posted bail to secure the release of terror suspect Dawud Santos. Our Code of Ethics prohibits us from intervening in legal processes."

    Major Herme Ayuyao of ISAFP legal action unit later told reporters at Camp Aguinaldo that the military only has circumstantial evidence against Babao.

    He said he saw Babao at the court proceedings that tackled the petition of Dawud's lawyers for habeas corpus.

    "I've noticed the presence of Mr. Julius Babao, whispering the back of Dawud Santos and his lawyers," Major Herme Ayuyao of the ISAFP said.

    Babao denied the allegation, saying he only covered the proceedings.

    "I was only there to observe. I had nothing to do with the court hearing," Babao said.

    He added: "Authorities must be careful with their accusations. I was only doing my job to report and tell the truth."

    In a statement released Thursday, ABS-CBN demanded a public apology from Malacañan and ISAFP for maligning Babao's reputation by insisting he paid bail for suspected terrorist Dawud Santos.

    "The facts show Babao did not pay bail, and ISAFP admits it has no concrete evidence against him," the network said.

    "It is appalling that two of the most powerful institutions in the land can hurl unjust and unfounded accusations against a working journalist," it added.

    ABS-CBN has continued its investigation into the ethical questions surrounding the issue. The network said it will release its findings to the public shortly.

  4. Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Julius Babao has apparently known Santos for a couple of years already and I suspect what was said about him was true.

    There's nothing illegal with posting bail for a terrorist even if it is in very bad taste. His career, however, is going to be severely damaged because people will realize he's been helping out terrorists just to get an exclusive story. He is such a hypocrite!! He cannot categorically deny that he helped secure the release of Santos (in contrast to simply saying that he didn't post bail for Santos). These media people claim to be seeking the truth but they themselves are unwilling to show it when it comes to their own actions.

  5. Join Date
    Dec 2003
    wala na ngang career c tintin bersola, c julius naman tarnished na ang rep..

  6. Join Date
    May 2005
    sana kahit suspect pa lang as terrorist... non-bailable na...

  7. Join Date
    Apr 2004
    assuming Julius Babao is right when he said he did not post bail. but the fact that he is cozy with Santos, and maybe even the family, tells me he violated some journalistic ethics (if there is such a term) there. he probably wanted to get close for a scoop. eh di nayari sya.

    a journalist is not supposed to be very close to a subject, much less post bail for him. now, Babao is reaping the fruits of his katangahan.

  8. Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Journalists or all members of the media should not take sides otherwise he/she will loose the objectivity of the profession. Maybe he thought he could get away with it because he is a known reporter. Is he? Well....

  9. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i've never liked julius babao, kagaya ng isang post sa itaas, medyo may katangahan nga sya. parang pareho lang sila ni noli de castro.

  10. Join Date
    Oct 2002
    hinde magkakaganyan yan kugn inayos lang ng mga politicos ang batas, eh kung meron na tayong anti terrorist law eh di wala ng bail yan "terrorist" in the first place...imagine four years has passed after the 9/11 and yet wala pa rin tayong ginagawa dito considering meron connection ang JI sa abu sayaf and other muslim group dito sa atin...

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Terrorists sa media?