White briefs! This is the best contraceptive
I was really appalled when my annoying officemate showed me his photo with his pants torn in the middle. Black pants and white briefs? WHY??? Kinilabutan talaga ako seeing a glimpse of that. Bwiset!!!
Personally, I match my undies with what I am wearing. I grew up with my Mom constantly reminding me to wear good undergarments because you will never if you get into an accident and people see you wearing horrible underwear hahaha.
What if crush undressed in front of you & he was in white briefs? You wouldn’t get turned on anymore?
My mother always said the same thing. When my sister got in an accident, they had to cut off her jeans when she was in the emergency room. My sister later on told me she was glad she followed our mom’s advise & wore nice underwear & didn’t wear the ratty ones hehe.
I'll remove the source of eye sore I'm sure he looks better in his birthday suit anyway. Seriously, I think I will be turned off a little bit. I associate white briefs with children and lolos kasi.
I have old worn out underwear that I use at home My Mom also tells me to get rid of it. It's embarrassing if someone sees that on the clothesline daw LOL. I also have tank tops and shorts that are so worn out that it's almost transparent
I can't attach pictures grrr
Last edited by _Cathy_; December 23rd, 2017 at 03:07 PM.
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Last edited by _Cathy_; December 25th, 2017 at 12:42 AM.
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